Category Archives: Wordpress Development

The best free website hosting companies

The best free website hosting companies Table of Contents Free Web Hosting Service Provider Websites If you are currently reading this article, it means you are in search of a free web hosting service provider that offers an entirely zero fee for using their web hosting platform. This could be as a result of you […]

affordable websites for small business

Affordable websites for small business Table of Contents What is a website? Do you want to know what a website is all about read this article to know more by clicking here Affordable websites for small business If you are a small business or startup looking for an affordable website to run your business more […]

Introduction To Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Introduction To Progressive Web Apps (PWA) Table of Contents Introduction A progressive web application takes advantage of the latest technologies to combine the best of web and mobile apps. Think of it as a website built using web technologies that acts and feels like an app. Recent advancements in the browser, in the availability of […]

Beginner’s Guide To Web Hosting

Beginner’s Guide To Web Hosting Table of Contents What Is Hosting And How Does Web Hosting Work? In short, web hosting is a service that stores a website’s data on the internet. Think of it as an apartment renter: you pay a monthly (or yearly) fee to live and store your things on their property. […]